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Lectureship 50th

| Aspen Kuenning | Lectureship

This is the 50th year of the Alaska Statewide Lectureship for churches of Christ.

In 1964 the Anchorage church of Christ, at 10th and B, hosted the first statewide lectureship. (Is there anyone we can contact who remembers that first event?) For 50 years that simple but powerful idea has provided sound Bible lessons, growth, encouragement and fellowship to thousands of Christians. The resulting relationships, cooperation, and biblical unity has blessed Alaskan congregations and individuals beyond measure. What a joy it is to be in close, regular, trusting fellowship with Christians across this huge beautiful state.

The theme this year is chosen to provide practical and encouraging help to get the power of Christ’s Gospel out to our fellow Alaskans. We hold the wonderful saving message and mission of Jesus in our hands. This Lectureship is to help us learn from   one another how to cooperatively reach and teach the lost with that great message.

Please come join us. Everyone should find a way to come together for the quality lessons, powerful prayers, uplifting singing and great fellowship that the Lectureships    provide.

Let’s press on to the next 50 years, until Christ comes again.

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  The 2023 Alaska state lectureship will be held at the Valley church of Christ building: 1125 Majestic View Circle, Wasilla. View directions from your current location Here.