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Local Missions

Christian Foundations Survey

| Meredith Porter | Local Missions

There have been a number of baptisms here in the valley over the past several months. This, along with some other members expressing an interest in learning some of the “Christian basics” has brought about a need for a “New Convert” or “Christian Foundation” Bible study. Our aim is for this class to focus on the fundamentals of being a follower of Christ; geared toward those who have recently obeyed the gospel.

The purpose of this survey is to gauge the number of members that would benefit from this type of class as well as the type of material that would best serve their needs. Please feel free to fill out the survey regardless of how long you have been a Christian. We recognize and welcome the fact that there may be some people interested in attending this sort of class that have been following Christ for several years. 

Complete the survey HERE.

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