Basketball & Volleyball Night
Basketball AND VOLLEYBALL at Colony Middle School. Bring water and a ball if you have one. Every child must be accompanied by an adult.
TNT hosted by S. Collins
TNT hosted by Shaphan and Autumn Collins immediately following Bible Class. This will be an outdoor event at Cottonwood Lake so please dress for the weather. Food provided. Bring a drink or snack to share.
Ladies Bible Study
New study "Prayer, in Practice" begins Sept 10th!
New study "Prayer, in Practice" begins Sept 10th!
Men's Bible Study
Teen Trip to Homer
Teen Trip to Homer for Apologetics Press Lectures by Eric Lyons. Cost is $50, scholarships available. Cash, check or venmo to Alex. Departure time is TBD on Mar 7th. Plan to bring a sleeping bag, pillow, and cost if you have one.
Ladies Craft Day
Please bring a lunch. We need old costume jewelry and buttons - put these items in the box in
...Please bring a lunch. We need old costume jewelry and buttons - put these items in the box in Ladies Clasroom. Contact: Bonnie B.
Ladies Bible Study
New study "Prayer, in Practice" begins Sept 10th!
New study "Prayer, in Practice" begins Sept 10th!
Men's Bible Study
Bible Marking hosted by Craig Decker Family
Craig and Patti Decker would like to host interested teens at their home (1061 E Macadoo Way, Wasilla) on March 15th from 9AM until Noon for breakfast and hands-on lesson about Bible marking using Bible Talk.
Requests: Please let Alex know if you plan to attend and please acquire a wide-margin Bible before March 15th. Reach out to Deckers for specific ideas. If you need help with the Bible purchase, see Alex.
Ladies Bible Study
New study "Prayer, in Practice" begins Sept 10th!
New study "Prayer, in Practice" begins Sept 10th!
Men's Bible Study
Young Adult Retreat
at Anchorage church of Christ - Ages 18-42. Schedule on table in foyer.
Ladies Bible Study
New study "Prayer, in Practice" begins Sept 10th!
New study "Prayer, in Practice" begins Sept 10th!