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Lectureship - 2011

Speakers: Bill Watkins , Eli Hooper , Glenn Colley , Jeff Jenkins , Jerry Houston , Jim McGuiggan , Perry Philips

Title Scripture Speaker Date Hits
Teen Class - Where were You . . When He was Crucified Eli Hooper 2011-04-16 2000
Teen Class - Where were You . . When He was Resurrected Eli Hooper 2011-04-16 2341
Teen Class - Where were You . . When He was Condemned Eli Hooper 2011-04-15 2127
14 - One Baptism Bill Watkins 2011-04-10 2768
15 - One God Jerry Houston 2011-04-10 2845
16 - Summing it All Up Eli Hooper 2011-04-10 2661
08 - One Hope Jim McGuiggan 2011-04-09 3892
09 - One Lord Perry Philips 2011-04-09 2600
10 - One Faith Jeff Jenkins 2011-04-09 2898
11 - I Am a Child of the King Jerry Houston 2011-04-09 2342
12 - The Church that Kings Feared and Fought Jim McGuiggan 2011-04-09 3568
13 - What does it mean to be Holy - What Makes us Different Perry Philips 2011-04-09 2587
06 - One Body Bill Watkins 2011-04-08 2797
07 - One Spirit Jeff Jenkins 2011-04-08 2664
01 - Prisoner of the Lord Glenn Colley 2011-04-07 2097
02 - Live a Life Worthy of the Calling Bill Watkins 2011-04-07 2474
03 - Completely Humble and Gentle Jim McGuiggan 2011-04-07 3066
04 - Bearing with One Another in Love Glenn Colley 2011-04-07 2632
05 - Keep the Unity of the Spirit Jeff Jenkins 2011-04-07 2524