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David Shipley

Title Scripture Date Series Hits
Relationships Drawn Into Harmony Psalm 105
Genesis 39
2016-04-10 Sermons - 2016 2546
Relationships Genesis 24 2016-04-03 Sermons - 2016 2372
God Tests Us: Turning Obstacles into Stepping Stones Genesis 21 2016-03-13 Sermons - 2016 2671
Sarah's Joy Genesis 21:1-12 2016-03-06 Sermons - 2016 2202
Redeeming Lot's Daughters Psalm 37:18-26 2016-02-14 Sermons - 2016 2086
Giving & Waiting Genesis 19:23-29 2016-02-07 Sermons - 2016 2201
The Table And A Heart Hebrews 13:1-2 2016-01-17 Sermons - 2016 2279
A Sign of Changes to Come (Poor Quality) Genesis 17 2016-01-10 Sermons - 2016 2261
To Cut a Covenant Genesis 15:8-17 2015-12-06 Sermons - 2015 2242
Abram the Warrior Genesis 14:17-20 2015-11-08 Sermons - 2015 2632
Abram the Loyal Peacemaker Genesis 13:14-18 2015-11-01 Sermons - 2015 2392
God Chooses the Small to Shame the Strong Genesis 12:10-12 2015-10-11 Sermons - 2015 2590
Walk in the Footsteps of the Faith Genesis 12:1-3 2015-10-04 Sermons - 2015 2021
A Courageous Step toward Heaven 2 Chronicles 15:1-7 2015-09-06 Sermons - 2015 2177
A Participation in Jesus' Body & Blood 1 Corinthians 10:14-18 2015-08-23 Sermons - 2015 1946
Excel In This Act of Grace 2 Corinthians 8:7-9 2015-08-02 Sermons - 2015 2037
The Burden and Relief of Prayer 1 Timothy 2:1-10 2015-07-26 Sermons - 2015 2346
Called & Commissioned to Preach 2 Timothy 4:1-2 2015-07-05 Sermons - 2015 2139
Lasting Impressions Genesis 11:1-9 2015-06-21 Sermons - 2015 1920
God's Perfect Memory, Noah's Long Goodbye Genesis 6-9 2015-06-14 Sermons - 2015 2280
Binding Up the Wounds of Sin Genesis 4:3-7 2015-05-17 Sermons - 2015 2474
Cursed Genesis 3
Romans 5:12-17
2015-05-10 Sermons - 2015 2514
In the Lord God's Shadow Genesis 2 2015-04-12 Sermons - 2015 2644
Genesis: The First Book of Moses Genesis 1 2015-04-05 Sermons - 2015 2604
Prayer & Respect for Church Leaders 1 Thessalonians 5:12-15 2015-03-15 Sermons - 2015 2936
Seeds of the Sunday Assembly Luke 23:54-56 2015-03-08 Sermons - 2015 2770
A Church Empowered to Sing Ephesians 5:15-21 2015-03-01 Sermons - 2015 2179
Giving Credit to the Holy Spirit Ephesians 2:18 2015-02-08 Sermons - 2015 2649
Baptism & the Christians who Assembled Acts 19:1-7 2015-02-01 Sermons - 2015 2778
What Would Jesus Say to Us? (Revelation Wrap-up) Psalm 131 2015-01-18 Sermons - 2015 1995
Disgusted & Delighted (Laodicea) Revelation 3:14-22 2015-01-11 Sermons - 2015 2814
You Have But Little Power (Philadelphia) Revelation 3:7-13 2014-12-28 Sermons - 2014 2195
Overwhelmed with Thanksgiving 1 Thessalonians 3:9-10 2014-12-07 Sermons - 2014 2275
More than a Resume (Sardis) Revelation 3:1-6 2014-11-30 Sermons - 2014 2721
Bully of Thyatira (Thyatira) Revelation 2:18-29 2014-11-02 Sermons - 2014 2180
Examples for Us Part 2 (Pergamum) Revelation 2:12-17 2014-10-26 Sermons - 2014 2228
Examples for Us Part 1 Numbers 25:1-9 2014-10-05 Sermons - 2014 2655
Crown of Life (Smyrna) Revelation 2:8-11 2014-09-28 Sermons - 2014 2056
Truth. Love. (Ephesus) Revelation 2:1-7 2014-09-07 Sermons - 2014 2821
Reading Church Mail Revelation 1:1-3 2014-08-31 Sermons - 2014 2148
To the Seven Churches (Intro to Revelation) Revelation 1:9-11 2014-07-06 Sermons - 2014 1899
Who is Jesus John 20:30-31 2014-06-29 Sermons - 2014 3124
True Vine John 15:1-8 2014-06-01 Sermons - 2014 4023
Bread of Life John 6:35-40 2014-05-25 Sermons - 2014 3634
I Am with You Always Matthew 28:16-20 2014-05-04 Sermons - 2014 2612
Too Much Gospel Matthew 27:45-54 2014-04-27 Sermons - 2014 3068
Our Most Important Meal (The Lord's Supper) Matthew 26:17-30 2014-03-30 Sermons - 2014 2573
Not What I Expected (Jerusalem's Destruction) Matthew 23:37-24:1 2014-03-23 Sermons - 2014 2459
Who Do You Resemble? Matthew 21:28-32 2014-03-02 Sermons - 2014 3770
A Glimpse of Heaven Matthew 13:24-30 2014-02-23 Sermons - 2014 3727
Fulfilling Relationships #2 "God Loves Building Marriages" Matthew 19:1-6 2014-02-02 Sermons - 2014 2664
Fulfilling Relationships #1 "It Starts with a Look" Matthew 5:17-20
Matthew 5:27-30
2014-01-26 Sermons - 2014 3251
Making Disciples Matthew 9:9-13 2014-01-05 Sermons - 2014 2591
Standing up to Temptation Matthew 3:16-4:11 2013-12-29 Sermons - 2013 2459
Praiseworthy Prophecy Matthew 1-2 2013-12-15 Sermons - 2013 1844
The Blessing of Persecution Matthew 5:1-12 2013-11-10 Sermons - 2013 1011
Matthew's Begats Ezekiel 34:20-24 2013-10-20 Sermons - 2013 1369
Zechariah's Image of the Savior Zechariah 3:1-8 2013-09-15 Sermons - 2013 1270
Proof of a Prophet Daniel 2:20-23 2013-09-08 Sermons - 2013 2440
Malachi the Arguing Preacher Malachi 2:4-7 2013-08-25 Sermons - 2013 1902
Haggai & The God Who Believes in His People Haggai 1:1-9 2013-08-11 Sermons - 2013 2527
Zephaniah the Multicultural Missionary Zephaniah 3:9-12 2013-07-28 Sermons - 2013 2050
Habakkuk Honors His Father Philippians 2:14-16
Habakkuk 1:2
Habakkuk 1:13
Habakkuk 2:1
2013-06-16 Sermons - 2013 1783
Marriage: Leave, Hold Fast, Become One Flesh Ephesians 5:31-33 2013-05-12 Sermons - 2013 2116
Hosea & God the Faithful Husband Hosea 2:14-23 2013-05-05 Sermons - 2013 1929
Living in Two Worlds Luke 20:9-18 2013-04-21 Sermons - 2013 2824
Jonah, Nahum & God's Work in a Conflicted Prophet Jonah 4 2013-03-24 Sermons - 2013 2834
Amos, Micah, & The Good Shepherd Psalm 23
John 10
2013-03-03 Sermons - 2013 3092
Joel and the Day of the Lord Acts 2:16-24 2013-02-17 Sermons - 2013 2906
Obadiah & the Path of Forgiveness 2 Corinthians 7:8-12 2013-01-27 Sermons - 2013 2808
Led to Christ by the Minor Prophets Exodus 20:18-21 2012-12-30 Sermons - 2012 2884
Grief is a Part of Love 2 Corinthians 1:3-11 2012-12-09 Sermons - 2012 2359
An Inspired Love Story 2 Peter 1:16-21 2012-11-11 Sermons - 2012 1391
The Redemption Story of Ruth Ruth 1:22-2:3 2012-10-14 Sermons - 2012 2504
The Love Story of Ruth Ruth 2:17-23 2012-09-16 Sermons - 2012 2641
The Whole Story of Ruth Ruth 1:1-5 2012-08-05 Sermons - 2012 2255
Using the Psalms With Care Psalm 91
Matthew 14
2012-07-29 Sermons - 2012 2243
King David's One Request Psalm 27 2012-06-24 Sermons - 2012 3652
A Psalm for the Sufferer Psalm 88 2012-05-13 Sermons - 2012 2928
Faithful Witness in the Skies Psalm 89 2012-04-08 Sermons - 2012 3110
Solomon's Psalms Psalm 72 2012-03-18 Sermons - 2012 3551
Be at Peace with Who You Are Psalm 73 2012-02-12 Sermons - 2012 2924
Keeping It Fresh Psalm 90 2012-01-08 Sermons - 2012 2873
Handling Strong Feelings Psalm 41 2011-12-11 Sermons - 2011 2661
The Psalms - Rich Crop to be Harvested Psalm 2011-11-06 Sermons - 2011 2498
Power of Rome vs. Power of Christ Mark 14:46 2011-10-09 Sermons - 2011 2607
Teach What You Know or Pass-on Who You Are Mark 10 2011-09-18 Sermons - 2011 2908
Jesus' Lessons from the Sabbath Mark 2:27-28 2011-08-28 Sermons - 2011 3164
John's Victory - Herod's Pain Mark 6 2011-07-10 Sermons - 2011 3425
Power of Sonship Mark 3 2011-06-12 Sermons - 2011 2437
Jesus Is Like Nothing We Have Ever Seen Before Mark 1-2 2011-05-15 Sermons - 2011 2823
If it Dies, it Bears Much Fruit John 12:12-26 2011-04-17 Sermons - 2011 2860
God made us a Family for a Reason Numbers 32
Joshua 22:1-5
2011-02-27 Sermons - 2011 2593
Staying Connected to God Numbers 3 2011-02-06 Sermons - 2011 2960
God is Ahead of Us Working on the Challenges Numbers 13 2011-01-30 Sermons - 2011 3130
God Wants to Be in the Middle of Our Camp Numbers 2 2011-01-16 Sermons - 2011 3109
Wait for God to Fulfill Your Desires Numbers 11 2011-01-09 Sermons - 2011 3940
A God Centered People Numbers 1 2011-01-02 Sermons - 2011 2919
Your Faith Has Made You Well - 10 Lepers Luke 17:11 2010-11-28 Sermons - 2010 3029
Example of Jesus' Prayer Life Luke 5:16 2010-11-21 Sermons - 2010 3377

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