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Sermons - 2011

Speakers: David Shipley , James Smith , Jim McGuiggan , Loren Hollingsworth , Mark Keller , Michael Katkus , Robert Kuenning , Scott Crockett

Title Scripture Speaker Date Hits
Joy and Peace Luke 2
Matthew 2
Robert Kuenning 2011-12-25 2787
Jesus, One of a Kind Isaiah 9:1-7 Robert Kuenning 2011-12-18 2917
Handling Strong Feelings Psalm 41 David Shipley 2011-12-11 2881
Hospitality Leviticus 19:33
3 John
Robert Kuenning 2011-12-04 2770
Understanding Purpose Luke 5 James Smith 2011-11-27 3061
How to Recover from Sexual Immorality Isaiah 59
Isaiah 61
Robert Kuenning 2011-11-20 2874
Stay Away from Sexual Immorality 1 Thessalonians 4:1-8
1 Corinthians 6
Robert Kuenning 2011-11-13 3225
The Psalms - Rich Crop to be Harvested Psalm David Shipley 2011-11-06 2960
Saved By...What? 1 Corinthians 15:1 Robert Kuenning 2011-10-30 2578
Make the Right Choice Deuteronomy 30:15-20 Loren Hollingsworth 2011-10-23 3629
Our Identity Acts 4:23-31 Robert Kuenning 2011-10-16 2568
Power of Rome vs. Power of Christ Mark 14:46 David Shipley 2011-10-09 2868
Vision From Scripture 2 Corinthians 4:16-18 Robert Kuenning 2011-10-02 2868
Don't Let Worry Steal Our Joy Philippians 4 Loren Hollingsworth 2011-09-25 3180
Teach What You Know or Pass-on Who You Are Mark 10 David Shipley 2011-09-18 3252
Hope in the Face of Evil Ephesians 1:5-8 Scott Crockett 2011-09-11 3054
How to Establish Value 2 Corinthians 6:1-18 Robert Kuenning 2011-09-04 3205
Jesus' Lessons from the Sabbath Mark 2:27-28 David Shipley 2011-08-28 3694
Stability is in Obeying God's Word 1 Timothy 1:3-7 Robert Kuenning 2011-08-21 2738
Don't Let Possessions Steal Your Joy Philippians 3 Loren Hollingsworth 2011-08-14 3554
Clarifying the Christian Life Colossians 3 Mark Keller 2011-08-07 2308
Don't Let Pride Steal our Joy Philippians 2 Loren Hollingsworth 2011-07-31 3699
God's Gift to You is You - 2 Genesis 1:26-27 Robert Kuenning 2011-07-24 2438
God's Gift to You is You - 1 Genesis 2:4 Robert Kuenning 2011-07-17 3083
John's Victory - Herod's Pain Mark 6 David Shipley 2011-07-10 3724
Learning from How Jesus Confronted Saul Acts 9 Michael Katkus 2011-07-03 3204
God's Gift of Family Genesis 2 Robert Kuenning 2011-07-03 3196
God's Gift of His Church Matthew 16:18 Robert Kuenning 2011-06-26 3157
Don't Let Circumstances Steal Your Joy Philippians 1 Loren Hollingsworth 2011-06-19 4083
Power of Sonship Mark 3 David Shipley 2011-06-12 2719
Don't Stop Reading Acts 2:21
Acts 2:38
Mark Keller 2011-06-05 3087
Every One Is Important Acts 10:34-35 Robert Kuenning 2011-05-29 2793
Jesus Is Like Nothing We Have Ever Seen Before Mark 1-2 David Shipley 2011-05-15 3194
Introduction to Phillipians Philippians 1 Loren Hollingsworth 2011-05-08 3102
Our Fear and the Lord Psalm 111-112 Robert Kuenning 2011-05-01 2658
Jesus Came in Weakness - Ended in Power Hebrews 2:14-18 Robert Kuenning 2011-04-24 3010
Give God Your Best Malachi 1:6-14 Scott Crockett 2011-04-17 1145
If it Dies, it Bears Much Fruit John 12:12-26 David Shipley 2011-04-17 3154
What is the Cost of Following God? Luke 9:23 Loren Hollingsworth 2011-04-10 3922
God is the one who is FAITHFUL Numbers 10:29-32 Jim McGuiggan 2011-04-06 2199
The BIG Question - Did you care for each other? Matthew 25:31-46 Robert Kuenning 2011-03-27 2882
Use What God has Given You Matthew 25:14-30 Robert Kuenning 2011-03-20 3512
Be Prepared Matthew 25:1-13 Robert Kuenning 2011-03-13 3163
God made us a Family for a Reason Numbers 32
Joshua 22:1-5
David Shipley 2011-02-27 3052
Families Need Fathers to Take a Stand for God Joshua 24:15 Robert Kuenning 2011-02-13 3063
Staying Connected to God Numbers 3 David Shipley 2011-02-06 3261
Families are Designed for Raising Children for God Psalm 78 Robert Kuenning 2011-02-06 2811
God is Ahead of Us Working on the Challenges Numbers 13 David Shipley 2011-01-30 3542
God's Encouraging Word Romans 15 Robert Kuenning 2011-01-23 3444
God Wants to Be in the Middle of Our Camp Numbers 2 David Shipley 2011-01-16 3562
Blessings In Surprising Places Amos 8:1 James Smith 2011-01-16 3415
Forgiveness Matthew 18:21-36 Mark Keller 2011-01-09 1212
Wait for God to Fulfill Your Desires Numbers 11 David Shipley 2011-01-09 4317
A God Centered People Numbers 1 David Shipley 2011-01-02 3201