Building Plans
First Days in the New Building
The anticipation, relief and excitement rise daily as the Valley church of Christ gets ready for its first Sunday Assembly in our new building. We could not say enough words of thanks to those to whom we are in debt. There have been 100’s of excellent construction workers, many caring volunteers giving many 1000’s of hours of labor and service, much sacrificed to raise funds and donate property, and more determination and patience than could ever be described.
Give honor to whom Honor is due.Rom 13:7
Do not withhold good from those to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it.Prov 3:27
But really, all praise and thanks goes to the only one who made all this possible. Our magnificent heavenly Father and glorious God must be the focus of all our praise and thanks. He is the source, the power, the purpose, the goal, and the reason for everything we do. Thank you, Father.
For from Him and through Him and to Him are all things. To Him be the glory forever. Amen.Rom 11:36
With God’s grace and blessing, we hope to begin meeting in the new building starting this Sunday, the 11th of September. If He permits, our schedule will look like this.
- Sunday, September 11
- 10AM 1st Valley Church Assembly in the new building
- 11:45 Fellowship Lunch
- 5:30 Munsell’s Home Group Meeting, location to be announced.
- Tuesday, September 13
- 7PM Men’s Group Meeting, Scott Crocket’s Home
- 7PM Ladies Bible Study, Lyndsay Teamer’s Home
- Wednesday September 14
- 7PM 1st Wednesday Evening Service in the new building (We will have a singing/devotional evening together.)
- 7PM VBI Class on Greek (continuing from Summer Schedule)
- Thursday September 15
- 6PM Home Group Meeting at Brady and Aspen Kuenning’s Home
- Saturday September 17
- 1PM Funeral Service for L.E. Wyrick (Tentative)
- Sunday, September 18
- 10AM Church Assembly in the new building
- 11:45 Fellowship Lunch
- We hope to have everything ready for Bible Classes
- Monday, September 19
- 7PM VBI Class on Psalms begins at the building
… etc. …
Wednesday Evening Services will continue to be congregational devotional gatherings until Wednesday Bible Classes are set and ready.
We hope to work out the “bugs” involved in using the building over the next few weeks and will plan an “Open House” in October. We want the Open House to be a special day of thanks to our contractors and other benefactors and a warm hello to our new neighbors.
All of this is lifted up in submission to God’s Will for His purpose and glory.
We dearly hope you can join us.