Building Plans
First Days in the New Building
| Robert Kuenning | Building Plans
The anticipation, relief and excitement rise daily as the Valley church of Christ gets ready for its first Sunday Assembly in our new building. We could not say enough words of thanks to those to whom we are in debt. There have been 100’s of excellent construction workers, many caring volunteers giving many 1000’s of hours of labor and service, much sacrificed to raise funds and donate property, and more determination and patience than could ever be described.
New Building Update - Jan 2016
| Robert Kuenning | Building Plans
Dear Valley church Family, We want you all to know about the progress of your new building. We told you a few weeks ago that two major inspections were successfully completed. Our borough fire inspector and our construction codes inspector both gave us the go-ahead for dry wall installation. They praised the building construction quality and only required a tiny correction to be made.
New Building Update - Oct 2015
| Barry Munsell | Building Plans
A great deal of work has been done in the last several days at the building:
Barry has been finalizing the framing of walls in several areas inside the building. Among the most significant are the very tall walls around the baptistery at the front of the auditorium.
Moving Details
| Robert Kuenning | Building Plans
Dear Valley church Family,
Our Wonderful Heavenly Father has blessed us with progress and success in some of the last phases of our new building construction. Therefore, with God’s blessings, we plan to have our first service on the 11th, the second Sunday in September. That first Sunday will have a full service, fellowship meal and Bible class schedule, if at all possible. Our last Sunday in the old building will be Sunday, September 4th and we will not have classes on that day. Our hope is to use the 2 week period from the 29th of August through the 10th of September as a time of moving,...
Revised parking plan
| Dave Williams | Building Plans
I have spoken with the manager of Jansen-Eastman Funeral Home about the new lawn areas. The parking plan is now revised to allow parking in front of the building next to Blue Lupine is and in the area adjacent to Hartley Motors. Be advised that there is a lot of new, soft fill in the area adjacent to Hartley Motors. The rest of the plan stays the same as sent by email last week. Please be careful to not disturb the new lawns as shown in the attached parking plan.
Thank you, Dave Williams
Big Changes
| Brady Kuenning | Building Plans
Here at the Valley church of Christ, we are going through an incredibly exciting time of transition in respect to our building. We are scheduled to close on the sale of our current building on Blue Lupine Drive, which will allow progress on the new building to continue at an even faster pace. This is a very exciting development for us, but will create some interesting scheduling and logisitical challenges for this summer.
Sunday Mornings: Due to the generosity of the buyers of our building, we will be allowed to continue to meet on Sunday mornings in the Blue Lupin...