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Sermons - 2018

Speakers: Daniel Moseley , James Smith , Jordan Bertram , Loren Hollingsworth , Mark Batteiger , Michael Katkus , Robert Kuenning , Stephen Teamer

Title Scripture Speaker Date Hits
I AM John 8
Exodus 3:13-14
Robert Kuenning 2018-12-30 1671
Who Are You? John 1
John 8
Robert Kuenning 2018-12-23 2108
Our Father: The Power of His Parental Influence Proverbs 22:6 Michael Katkus 2018-12-16 1890
Are You Stuck in Faith or Sin? 2 Corinthians 13:5 Michael Katkus 2018-12-09 1992
The Vine, the Branches and the Fruit John 15 Jordan Bertram 2018-12-02 1513
Peacemakers Matthew 5:1-9 James Smith 2018-11-25 1493
A Son Worth Dying For Colossians 1 Daniel Moseley 2018-11-18 1625
Noah: Shadow of Salvation Hebrews 11:1-7 Robert Kuenning 2018-11-04 2344
Being Ready For the Coming of the Lord 1 Thessalonians 5:12-24 Loren Hollingsworth 2018-10-28 1863
Being Led By God Psalm 23 Michael Katkus 2018-10-21 1811
Hospitality Romans 11:33-36
1 Timothy 3
Robert Kuenning 2018-10-14 1923
Judgment Day 1 Thessalonians 5:1-11 Loren Hollingsworth 2018-10-07 1703
God's One Pattern For All 2 Timothy 1:13 Michael Katkus 2018-09-30 2296
A Cry For Life Isaiah 58:6-12 Michael Katkus 2018-09-23 1695
It's Mighty Powerful in Every Part of Being a Christian Luke 14:1-16 Robert Kuenning 2018-09-16 1797
Calvinism: A Serious 500-Year-Old Problem Joshua 24 Robert Kuenning 2018-09-09 1822
The Priviledge of Death Ecclesiastes 12
1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
Loren Hollingsworth 2018-09-02 2409
The God of Endurance and Encouragement Romans 14:4-13 Robert Kuenning 2018-08-26 1922
Satan Likes Clean Houses Luke 11:24-26 Michael Katkus 2018-08-19 2175
Born Again John 3 Robert Kuenning 2018-08-12 1622
Holy Living and Hope of Resurrection 1 Thessalonians 4:1-18 Loren Hollingsworth 2018-08-05 1871
Free Will to Die In Our Sins or to Be Saved 1 Timothy 4:6-10 Robert Kuenning 2018-07-29 1780
From Milk to Meat: Maturing as a Believer Hebrews 5:11-14 Michael Katkus 2018-07-22 1900
The Beatitudes Continued Matthew 5:9-15 Michael Katkus 2018-07-15 1916
Stars in the Universe, Lights in the World Philippians 1:1-11 Robert Kuenning 2018-07-08 1710
Misunderstood Freedom Judges 21 Robert Kuenning 2018-07-01 2236
Christian Suffering 1 Thessalonians 2:13-3:5 Loren Hollingsworth 2018-06-24 2027
Biblical Headship 1 Corinthians 11:1-3 Robert Kuenning 2018-06-17 1587
These Are the Good Ol' Days 1 Timothy 2 Robert Kuenning 2018-06-10 1719
Walk Worthy of God 1 Thessalonians 2:1-12 Loren Hollingsworth 2018-06-03 1618
Be Careful How You Walk: Daily Christian Decisions Ephesians 5 Robert Kuenning 2018-05-27 2055
The Beatitudes Matthew 5:1-8 Michael Katkus 2018-05-20 1888
Comfort & Confidence Psalm 78 Robert Kuenning 2018-05-13 1908
The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly Ezekiel 20 Mark Batteiger 2018-05-06 1164
Equip You With Clarity Ephesians 5 Michael Katkus 2018-04-29 1666
Mistaking the Trenches for a Dugout Daniel 10 Stephen Teamer 2018-04-22 1429
The Greatest Confidence: God is Better Than We Know Zephaniah 3:14-20 Robert Kuenning 2018-04-15 1685
Work of Faith, Labor of Love, Patience of Hope 1 Thessalonians 1 Loren Hollingsworth 2018-04-08 2066
The Greatest News: Resurrection Romans 6 Michael Katkus 2018-04-01 1651
The Purpose and Importance of Encouragement John 15:1-17
1 Thessalonians 4-5
Michael Katkus 2018-03-25 2594
Confidence in Knowing That God Is Psalm 19:1-6
Romans 1:19-20
Robert Kuenning 2018-03-18 1477
Is Anything Too Difficult for God? Jeremiah 32 Robert Kuenning 2018-03-11 2031
Is the Bible Reliable? 1 Peter 3:15 Michael Katkus 2018-03-04 1923
Breaking Through the Barrier 2 Timothy 2:1-13 Robert Kuenning 2018-02-25 1520
Dead to Sin & Alive to Jesus Christ: Baptism Romans 6:1-8
Acts 2
Michael Katkus 2018-02-18 2288
The Book of Amos: Ancient Message for a Modern World Amos
Jeremiah 9:23-24
Michael Katkus 2018-02-11 1697
There's a Better Place Isaiah 45:5-12 Robert Kuenning 2018-02-04 1860
Our God is at Work Deuteronomy 29:29 Michael Katkus 2018-01-28 1895
Christ Teaches Listening Skills Luke 8 Robert Kuenning 2018-01-21 1989
Jesus Teaches Prayer Matthew 6 Michael Katkus 2018-01-14 2087
Full of Grace John 1:14 Robert Kuenning 2018-01-07 2035