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| Aspen Kuenning | Lectureship
This is the 50th year of the Alaska Statewide Lectureship for churches of Christ. In 1964 the Anchorage church of Christ, at 10th and B, hosted the first statewide lectureship. (Is there anyone we can contact who remembers that first event?) For 50 years that simple but powerful idea has provided sound Bible lessons, growth, encouragement and fellowship to thousands of Christians. The resulting relationships, cooperation, and biblical unity has blessed Alaskan congregations and individuals beyond measure. What a joy it is to be in close, regular, trusting fellowship with Christians acros...
| Brady Kuenning | Lectureship
Many of us were blessed to attend the 2011 Alaska Statewide Lectureship this year.  But for those of us that were not able to attend, or maybe you went and want to experience it again, the audio is now availble for playing or downloading in the audio section of this webside.
| Brady Kuenning | Lectureship
Jim McGuiggan - One Hope