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Building Plans

Building Update Nov, 2010

| Len Niesen | Building Plans

The new church facility is to be located on a parcel of land near Home Depot in Wasilla.  Part of this parcel has been cleared of trees in anticipation of our project.  The Elders have tasked a committee with dealing with planning details with a goal of beginning construction, in phases if necessary, beginning in summer 2011.  This is a great challenge and we ask for your prayers as we move forward.  

After a summer break, the committee has been meeting to explore the most cost-effective way to build the size facility that will meet the needs of our ministries.  There needs to be room for the Valley Bible Institute, space to seat 450 people, ample classroom space for a growing congregation, a fellowship area with adequate kitchen, and a large youth room, among other things.  Currently the plan is to eliminate the previously-designed basement, which will avoid the need for an elevator and wasted spaces to accommodate elevator and stairs.  

The committee met with a local company that constructs pre-engineered steel buildings and visited two sites using their building product.  This is one of the possibilities for construction, but others building methods have not been eliminated.  

Funding is one of our greatest challenges.  Initial visits with banks indicate their willingness to work with us.  Between the current building fund and borrowing power, it appears we can currently fund a $2 million project; however, our design will probably come in at closer to $4 million for a completed project.  Please pray that God will open hearts, give us wisdom, and provide a way for us to proceed if it is His will that we build this new facility in order to expand our ministry in the Mat-Su Valley.

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