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Building Plans

Big Changes

| Brady Kuenning | Building Plans

Here at the Valley church of Christ, we are going through an incredibly exciting time of transition in respect to our building.  We are scheduled to close on the sale of our current building on Blue Lupine Drive, which will allow progress on the new building to continue at an even faster pace.  This is a very exciting development for us, but will create some interesting scheduling and logisitical challenges for this summer.  

 Sunday Mornings:
Due to the generosity of the buyers of our building, we will be allowed to continue to meet on Sunday mornings in the Blue Lupine building with a modified schedule.  Our Sunday morning services will continue to start at 10:00am and go to 11:30am.  Classes, however, will start at 11:45am and run until 12:30pm.  

Our weekly fellowship meal will be suspended until we are in our new building.  If possible, we will have special meals together on Sunday afternoons when they can be scheduled. Construction, safety, location, room, and time will all effect when and where we can get together.

Our video streaming of Sunday services will be suspended until we are in our new building.

All Sunday classes will be held in the same room as now.

Wednesday Evenings:
We will not be able to hold Wednesday evening events in the Blue Lupine building.  We plan to have Wednesday night devotional services in the new building as construction allows. Please listen to weekly announcements or contact the church for week to week updates on how Wednesdays will work.

Church Office:
The church office will be relocated to the Hanshew's home.  Phone calls to the office (907)-745-3011 will be answered by Nancy Hanshew, Ross Hanshew, Robert Kuenning, or David Shipley.

Valley Bible Institute:
The Valley Bible Institute classes will meet at the Williams' home, 860 N. Shenandoah Dr., on Wednesday nights at 7pm.  For specifics or directions please call 907-745-3011.

Home Group Meetings:
With the loss of fellowship and group study time, Home groups will become even more important to outreach and spiritual health.  The current Home meetings will continue as in the past and we'll add groups as need and opportunity arise.  If you want to help or join a group, please call Robert Kuenning, David Shipley, or Mike Katkus for information on a group in your area.


During this entire process of saving, building, selling, and moving, we have reminded each other that buildings are just tools for the Lord's work.  It is people that are priceless before God.  Therefore let us renew our efforts to reach the lost and extend love and encouragement for each other during this next challenging phase of congregational expansion.

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